Whitley Hill was born and raised in New York City, the child of Southern-born actors: a WASP from Mississippi and an Armenian from the moonshine mountains of West Virginia. A child actor herself, she performed at New York’s famed La Mama Theater, with the New York City Shakespeare Festival and the New York City Opera. She is a drama graduate of NYC’s High School for Performing Arts and has a degree in dance from the University of Michigan. For years she was a professional dancer and choreographer; her dances have been commissioned and performed by companies across the country.

Book review



The night I sat down to read the memoir, with intentions of reading a few pages and skimming over the parts that weren’t really about Madonna, I ended up reading the entire book – every page – from cover to cover. At 282 pages, it was a surprisingly quick read, and although it was Not About Madonna, it was filled with Madonna fun. It read better than any Madonna biography I’ve ever read because so much of those books are jammed with useless information that most Madonna fans already know. This book dealt with Madonna the human, the 18 year old girl who is making her decision to leave suburbia behind and move to New York – where some of the story does take place.