The Washtenaw Youth Mentoring Coalition is an alliance of more than 20 different local mentoring and youth-focused organizations in Washtenaw County, Michigan, established in March 2006.

Washtenaw Youth Mentoring Coalition members include the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washtenaw County, Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County, COPE Alternative Education Program, Eastern Michigan University, Education Project for Homeless Youth, Hikone Community Center’s Community Action Network, HOPE Program of Sumpter Community Church of God, Lutheran Social Services of Michigan, Mentor Michigan AmeriCorps, Michigan Ability Partners, the Neutral Zone, Reach Out Michigan, the Village Initiative, Washtenaw County Trial Court CASA, Washtenaw County Children’s Services Department, Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative of the Washtenaw County Department of Human Services, Building Restorative Communities of the Washtenaw County Trial Court, Washtenaw County Youth Mentoring Program, Washtenaw Intermediate School District, the Youth Empowerment Project, and YES! for Kids.

Washtenaw Youth Mentoring Coalition c/o the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living 2568 Packard Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48104

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