Thanks for taking care of that spam. It does get pretty annoying after a while, but I'm not making this site login-only. -MattH 19:18, 17 Dec 2005 (PST)

You're welcome. I'm just watching the RSS feed for Special:RecentChanges and fixing what I spot. They all seem to fit a pattern where it's in a div with the style overflow:auto;height:1px. Perhaps a mod_security rule to deny those edits? --Georgehotelling 07:21, 18 Dec 2005 (PST)

It's _way_ easier than that: see the Mediawiki.Meta page Anti-Spam Features for "content banning blacklists". In short:

Place a line like this somewhere in your LocalSettings.php file.

  1. If this Regular expression matches the text of an edit, then the edit is disallowed.

$wgSpamRegex = "overflow:\s*auto;\s*height:\s*[0-4]px;/i";

Any regex you want will work, but nothing more seems necessary until they get wise and come up with some other pattern. My personal wiki ( was getting whacked on a daily basis with exactly the same crap - I installed this, and, bam, clean for weeks. Matt: it'll take you five minutes. -M.