This is a planning page for a 41st birthday celebration and trek through town with Edward Vielmetti.


What sort of events these will be

  • breakfast is, well, breakfast. there will be coffee, and I get a few free bagels to share.
  • the lunch is part of the a2b3 series of lunches.
  • the afternoon is organized according to Open Space principles, plus we'll have a library to amuse ourselves in

Things you can bring

  • a venue downtown for 8-30 people for the morning of Thursday 12/8.
  • a digital camera for pictures, to be tagged *ED41* in Flickr.
  • good walking shoes
  • a bus pass, if you have it, so that you can get to lunch on the AATA.
  • a list of books, movies, and music you think I'd like as presents; find them at the library so I can check them out or add them to my reserve list.
  • a laptop with wifi if you want, but there should be enough of those around
  • a weblog if you have it
  • this wiki

Who is coming