If you log in through ypsiwiki.org and do an edit, you get an error message about the Recaptcha key not being authorized for this domain. Ed

I wish some of the questions were more specific... I suggest: who is the mayor of Ann Arbor (first and last name)." Also I have yet to find a variant of "what is the name of the site you are editing?" that works -- tried things like arborwiki.org, www.arborwiki.org, http:// before at least one of those, etc. Maybe it could be "what is the name of the site you are editing: http://www. ____" - RickCarter

  • I'll add the first & last name. The second question is just looking for "ArborWiki" (case insensitive). Unfortunately, the stock plugin doesn't let me accept several answers, but I bet I can hack it to do that.