Pecha-Kucha is a trademarked name for a fast-paced presentation style, which has been assimilated for local and global use as Ignite Ann Arbor.

Original plans

Note: "Pecha-Kucha Night" is a registered trademark of KDa, and we do not, as yet, have permission to use it, though our application is pending.

Pecha-Kucha (say "pa-tchotchke") is a post-information-age PowerPoint performance art involving 20 PowerPoint slides @ 20 seconds each (6:40, ba-da-bing) on topics not often found in corporate conference rooms.

You probably read about Pecha-Kucha in Wired or Wikipedia, at the KDa website, or at their Tokyo club, Super Deluxe.

David Bloom is an unlicensed, unofficial coach and emcee. He'll be running the projector/timer at the hotly debated ArbCamp, if it's not too-widely boycotted.