The market report: [1]

MICHIGAN MUSHROOMS are back at market!! plus arugula, handmade pasta, chard, honey, organic ice cream, braising greens, and apples.

Vendor count: 27 vendors at Ann Arbor Farmers Market, down 6 from last week's 33. New for the week: Michigan Mushrooms down from Alpena.

Vendors twittering

Do cats have lips? We have freshly brewed Ethiopian Yirgacheffe at the Farmers Market now!

Earthquake in Chile. Heartbreaking news.

Shoppers twittering

  • The Great Gatzke [2]

to go back to bed? or to go to @aafarmersmarket and get some zingerman's coffee?

  • The Farmer's Marketer [3]

CSA info from the USDA's National Agriculture Library: [4]

RT TWCi IMPORTANT! If NOT in Hawaii, please DON'T look at evac maps from Pac. Tsunami Warning Ctr. Servers jammed. Leave for those who NEED it!

Annual vendors

Daily vendors

What you can buy

Known to be incomplete; arranged alphabetically.



  • None this week



Vendor map

10 of 33 vendors mapped.