Revision 38 (Sept. 1, 2007, 4:35 p.m. by None)

Where to Bike

Most cycle shops around town carry paper maps of recommended cycle routes, produced by the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation Department.

Winter Biking

This gets a bit trickier, but many Ann Arborites cycle year-round. Any amount of snow and ice makes starting and stopping harder and slower. (Note that riding on the street becomes an even better idea, as the streets are generally better cleared of snow than the sidewalks.) You'll need a change of clothes, or at least some shoe covers and face protection - many winter cyclists wear ski goggles to protect their eyes from wind and glare. As always, a good set of lights is essential, especially due to the shorter daylight hours. getDowntown occasionally offers winter biking workshops, and winter cyclists are generally happy to help newbies.

Where to buy a bike

Here are some reccomendations on places in town to get a bike or get your bike repaired.

Used Bikes:

Bicycles in Town This is in downtown Ypsilanti, right on Michigan Avenue. They usually have a couple of good inexpensive used bikes on hand.

Recycle Ann Arbor Reuse Center This place is south of town on South Industrial. I've been by before and they've had some pretty beat up bikes - however I've had it recommended several times Around the start and end of terms people put used bikes up on craigslist. Its a great classified resource for all kinds of used goods.

New Bikes

Two Wheel Tango On Packard. These guys are bike experts and will go out of there way to help you find the right bike for you. The Hoover location closed, TWT is now anticipating the opening of their new shop, on the west side (Jackson at Zeeb) July 1, 2007.

[[Great Lakes Cycling