Revision 3 (May 8, 2010, 8:49 a.m. by david)
Arbor Sapientiae Sculpture "Tree of Wisdom"

The sculpture Arbor Sapientiae was originally commissioned by the Arbor Tomorrow Project. The sculpture cost $7,000 and was funded through a grant from the Michigan Council for the Arts. The sculpture was popularly known as the "Tree of Knowledge" and was originally installed in 1979 on a cement traffic island at State Street and Liberty Street, but was the subject of much controversy, derision and vandalism and was removed to a city storage yard in 1980 when the State Street was renovated. In 1984, it was sandblasted and reinstalled at its new site. Related articles can be found in The Ann Arbor News: July 15, 1979, pg. A-5; May 17, 1982; June 7, 1984.

Category: Public Sculpture]]