The mission of the Ann Arbor Fire Department is to protect lives, the environment and property by providing prompt, skillful and cost effective fire protection and life safety services. Link to City of Ann Arbor Fire Department web page.


Station locations

Ann Arbor Fire Department General: Timeline

  • 2015-05-18 The Ann Arbor Fire Department appears on the May 18, 2015 agenda of the Ann Arbor City Council in the context of a Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant  application being made by the City of Ypsilanti to the US Department of Homeland Security. The applicant for the grant is actually the City of Ypsilanti, but the City of Ann Arbor is participating, along with Dexter area and Augusta Township.  The amount of the grant,  if awarded, would be $251,116. The City Council action for May 18, 2015 will be to establish a Major Grant Fund for the Project and transfer required matching funds of $3,631 to the Major Grant Fund.   According to the staff memo accompanying the resolution, the grant money would be used to "train the Fire Department's personnel on the National Fire Protection Agency Fire (NFPA) Inspector II, Site Plan Review, and Vehicle Fire Investigation requirements (NFPA 1 - Fire Code, NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 25 -Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code, NFPA, 220 - Standard on Types of Building Codes and NFPA 921 - Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation)."A major portion of the current Ann Arbor Fire Department Fire Inspectors has not been certified in Fire Inspector II, Site Plan Review, and Vehicle Investigation training. "

Fire Station 1

Fire Station 1 is located downtown at 111 N. Fifth Avenue.

Fire Station 1: Timeline

  • 1991-Jun-7 The Ann Arbor News reports a racist flier posted at Fire Station 1 – a spoof of a job application for employment as a staff member to Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign.

Fire Station 2

Fire Station 2 (not active as a fire station) is located just east of the intersection of Packard and Stadium.

Fire Station 2: Timeline

  • 2004-Jun-13 The Ann Arbor News reports that Fire Station 2 has been closed without a formal announcement of its closing. That reduces the number of active fire station from six to five.

Fire Station 3

Ann Arbor Fire Department's Station 3 is located at 2130 Jackson Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. 

Station 3: Timeline

  • 2015 May 19. A press release from the City of Ann Arbor announces the temporary closing of Fire Station 3 from Friday, May 29 to June 8, 2015, "while station 3 undergoes asbestos abatement". Crews will relocate to Fire Station 1 downtown and regular staffing levels will be maintained. (Press release)


  • 2015 May 4. Fire Station 3 appears on the May 4, 2015 agenda of the Ann Arbor City Council in the form of a  $37,600 contract with Emergency Restoration of Troy, MI, for the removal and replacement of the roof. Because the amount of the contract is less than $100,000, it appears on the Consent Agenda, which are items considered routine, and can be approved in aggregate on a single vote – unless a councilmember pulls it out of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. According to the staff memo accompanying the council resolution, the existing roof is of an unknown age but has deteriorated to a point where patching is no longer able to stop the leaks. Funding for the project was included in the approved FY 2015 General Capital Fund (00CP). Four bids were received for the work on April 7, 2015. Emergency Restoration Inc. of Troy, MI, was the lowest responsible bidder. The resolution includes a recommended 25% project contingency of $9,400 to cover potential contract change orders to be approved by the City Administrator if necessary. The recommended contingency, as a percentage, is higher than normal to address any unknown damage to the roof decking material that may be exposed once the roofing is removed. 


Fire Station 4

Fire Station 4 is located at 2415 Huron Parkway.

Fire Station 4: Timeline

  • 2013-Nov-22 The discovery of mold results in the temporary closure of Fire Station 4 due to the discovery of mold. Engine 4 is relocated to Station 1 during the period of the closure.

Fire Station 5

Page for Station 5 should be created and "included" here.

Fire Station 6

Ann Arbor's Fire Station 6 is located at 1881 Briarwood Circle.

Fire Station 6: Timeline

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