Revision 29 (March 12, 2009, 9:24 a.m. by vielmetti)
  • What: The Ann Arbor Bi Bim Bop lunch group
  • When: Thursday, noonish. Introductions all around at 12:30, show and tell at 12:45.
  • Where: Usually at Eastern Accents

Organizer is Edward Vielmetti. There's a mailing list that goes with the group, check this for changes of venue when the restaurant closes in the summer. Topics of discussion vary, but technology is generally a theme. Ed sometimes blogs a2b3 non-summaries, a nice way to get a sense of who shows up and what might have been discussed.

Bring a question that you'd like to have answered or a problem you'd like help solving to the next lunch.

It's not a word, it's a tag

Related groups

For many years a stammtisch met at the Old German.

LA2M grew out of A2B3 and has presentations on marketing topics; it meets Wednesdays.

There is a similar group that meets for breakfast at Saul's in Berkeley, CA, organized in part by Jeff Ubois. Because of the time zone difference the meetings are actually happening at the same time.

The pho list is based in Los Angeles and organizes around regular pho meals.